As a Congregational Church, the members of our congregation covenant with one another and with God as revealed in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit. All members are called to minister to others and to participate as equals in the common worship of God. Among the many opportunities for service are:
Responsible for the spiritual life of the church. Members serve for three-year terms. Meets monthly.
Responsible for the finances and physical assets of the church. Members serve for three-year terms. Meets monthly
Provides anthems and special music and leads the congregation in hymns. Rehearsal at 9 AM on Sunday. Minister of Music: George Moravek
Offers used clothing and household items. Open Thursdays from 10 AM to 2 PM, and on Saturdays from 9 AM to 1 PM. Volunteers are always welcome. Donations of small items can be made only on days when we are open.
Responsible for greeting worshippers, distributing bulletins, lighting the candles, passing the offering, and counting those in attendance.
From September to June, we offer classes for children from grade kindergarten up at 10:00. Students begin with worship in the sanctuary and then leave for a lesson. Adult Bible Studies are held in the fellowship hall at 10:00 am on Fridays. All are welcome.
All members and guests are welcome at coffee hour following services. Coffee is supplied by the church and volunteers bring milk for the coffee, and desserts or snacks like cake, cheese, cookies, fruit, or bagels. If you are interested in having flowers placed on the altar any Sunday, please call the church office for information.
Lay readers each week lead the congregation in the responsive reading from the alter and read the lessons from the Old and New Testaments.
Members visits and make phone calls to the shut-ins of our congregation. Volunteers also send cards to those who are sick or in need of support.
Provides nutritious dinners to those in need, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 5:30-6:30 PM. Volunteers are always needed. You may call the church office for how you can help. 631-727-2621
Volunteers are always needed to help at our many fundraisers and social events.
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