We are an open and affirming member of the United Church of Christ and no matter who you are or where you are in life's journey, you are welcome here. Contact the Pastor, the Rev. Dr. Murray at 631-727-2621 for more information.
Church services are held at 10:00 am usually followed by a coffee hour. Please join us. Alley Cat Thrift Shop will reopen on Saturday, February 1 at 9:00 am. Donations of adult clothing , shoes and small household items are accepted Tuesday and Thursday from 10-2 and Saturday 9-1 only. No furniture or children's items accepted.
Sunday School: Please call our church office if you would like your child to join. Sunday School is held during church services.
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Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany
Service of Word and Sacrament
February 2, 2025✦ 10am
We open our hearts to the presence of God and worship together.
PRELUDE: Canzona Purvis
We are here this day to share God's love.
We have come with burdens and cares,
For within this place, we are bound as one
In this fellowship we share.
One: Come, people of God, to the one in whom we trust.
Praise God who delivers and rescues us.
Many: God is our rock of refuge, our strong fortress.
God saves us among wickedness and cruelty.
One: Hope in God, who has created you.
Open yourself to the one who knows you well.
Many: God accepts us, even when people do not.
God affirms us, even when we fail.
One: Our God gives us tasks to do and strength to do them.
God’s Word of love is ours to proclaim.
ALL: We have come to embrace the mysteries of our faith.
We are here to worship the God who empowers us.
*HYMN: Draw Us in the Spirit’s Tether No. 337
God of love, in whose name we have been consecrated for discipleship and service, encounter us in this hour, that we may grow in knowledge and actions. Disturb our certainties so we will be open to new insights. Upset our priorities to make room for faith, hope, and love. Expand our horizons to encompass ideas we have not entertained before. Open our hearts to people we have failed to welcome into our midst. Perfect among us that childlike trust that allows change to transform us in the presence of your love. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
❖ Pastoral Prayer
…Reassuring God, whose Word became flesh in Jesus, and whose healing touch empowered Christ the physician, look upon us with the compassion of a wise parent. Equip us to listen, to hear, to speak, to embody love that is patient and kind. May we bear, believe, hope, and endure, so that through us the world will hear good news, give up childish ways, and respond to the touch of your hand….
❖ Silent Prayer
❖ Lord's Prayer:
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name,
thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power,
and the glory, now and forever. Amen.
Melody Rinner
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise God, all creatures here below;
Praise God above, you heavenly host:
Creator, Christ, and Holy Ghost.
❖ Jeremiah 1:4-10 OT Page 657
❖ Psalm 71:1-6 Hymnal Page 666
❖ 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 NT Page 153
❖ Luke 4:21-30 NT Page 53
Glory to the Creator, the Christ, the Holy Spirit,
Three -in-one; as it was in the beginning
Is now, and ever shall be, world without end.
Amen. Amen.
SERMON: “Au Contraire”
Many years ago, when I was still in the regular company of my siblings and dinner conversations were animated, expressions of disagreement or rebuttal were often sarcastic and always humorous. The comebacks changed throughout the years, but there are a couple I remember well. One was from Saturday Night Live, which was very popular back in the day. It came from a regular skit called “Point/Counterpoint” with Dan Aykroyd and Jane Curtin. As some of you will recall, that retort was: “Jane you ignorant slut.” The other was today’s sermon title, “au contraire,” said with the chin lifted high and the eyes rolling, which I thought was a more appropriate title for this setting.
In my hearing “au contraire” is often used sarcastically, such as in “So I’m guessing you didn’t love the lecture today;” “Au contraire, it was great. I love watching paint dry for two hours.” However, it can also be used, as in today’s reading, more literally to say that’s not how it is. (Au contraire is used quite a bit in French, while oddly, in English, “on the contrary,” or “quite the contrary” isn’t. These days, people tend to opt for the basic, “Not.”)
In each of the readings today, there is a quite literal, although unspoken, au contraire that’s offered.
We began with the call to Jeremiah. God lets Jeremiah know that he has long been called – “appointed” – as a prophet. Jeremiah challenges the call with “Ah, Lord God! Truly I do not know how to speak, for I am only a boy.” (He was likely in his early 20s at the time). God, however, gives the big au contraire, and equips the young prophet with what he needs by touching his mouth. And Jeremiah, of course, proceeds to become one of the major prophets of our Hebrew Scripture.
In his first letter to the Corinthians, it’s Paul who offers the au contraire in a big, and now well-known, although considerably less than pithy, way. In his day, the people of Corinth were convinced that speaking in tongues was the big gift of God that evinced the presence of the Holy Spirit in a person. They prized that more than any other sign. Consequently, with what is now regularly read at weddings, Paul says, “au contraire” in a poetic way and elaborates on the true biggie, that of love.
With our Gospel lesson, it’s Jesus that offers the “au contraire” to those gathered in the temple in his hometown of Nazareth. At first, we’re told, “All spoke well of him and were amazed at the gracious words that came from his mouth.” Apparently, they were amazed because they knew him as a boy, as “Joseph’s son,” and I’m guessing they didn’t think that much would become of a carpenter’s boy. But news of the miracles Jesus has worked in Capernaum had evidently already made the rounds even there in Nazareth and they, despite the fact that many had discounted Jesus’ worth as a person, were expecting similar big stuff for them.
Yet Jesus, knew of the problem of acceptance there and calls them on it. And then he gives the au contraire by naming two powerful miracle workers of old who weren’t sent by God to Jews or insiders but to foreigners: Elijah was sent to a widow at Zarepath in Sidon rather than to those in Israel, and Elisha healed Naaman the Syrian leper rather than lepers in Israel. This was to inform them that his call was to others beyond his hometown. That message was obviously not well received at all as the people then drove him out of town with plans of hurling him off a cliff. Jesus, of course, gives an au contraire to those plans, too.
These au contraire lessons remain powerful ones for our time.
With Jeremiah, we’re reminded not to discount the call of God to us. Although Jeremiah didn’t think he had it in him to do God’s work, God lets him know otherwise. I know such was true for me when I was called to ministry. I know it to be true, too, for anyone who would discount their worth and question their ability to be of good service to God and others.
With Paul, we’re reminded not to look for the mystical signs of speaking in tongues (or snake handling or drinking poison for that matter, which killed some faithful who sought proof of God’s miracle working), but to focus on the big, patient, kind, non-insistant, and enduring gift of love.
With Jesus, we’re reminded that despite our plans or our reads on how God should operate in our community and world, sometimes God has other plans. And we’re reminded, too, that our gifts, our ministry, is not for ourselves alone, but are those for the wider community, too.
May our God bless you with the wisdom you need to receive graciously any divine au contraire that may come your way, and may the Holy Spirit long fuel us all with grace-filled power to do God’s work wherever we are.
The Invitation and Time of Confession:
❖ Call to Confession
❖ Silent Confession
❖ Unison Prayer of Confession:
Merciful God, you know us better than we know ourselves,
but we have not believed this. You care about us even when
we do not love ourselves, but it has been hard for us to
understand that this is true. We see so dimly and hear your
Word so faintly that we doubt your truth. We dare not trust
the prophets or risk the cost of discipleship. We are afraid to
believe, hope, and endure when there is suffering all around us.
O God, grant us courage to change, to follow Jesus in spite
of ridicule and rejection. Yet keep us from insisting on our own
way, which may not be your way. Amen.
❖ Words of Assurance
Pastor: The Lord be with you.
People: And also with you.
Pastor: Lift up your hearts.
People: We lift them up to the Lord.
Pastor: Let us give thanks to God Most High.
People: It is right to give God thanks and praise.
Pastor: We give you thanks, God of majesty and mercy,
for calling forth the creation and raising us from dust
by the breath of your being.
We bless you for the beauty and bounty of the earth and for the vision of the day when sharing by all will mean scarcity for none.
We remember the covenant you made with your people Israel, and we give you thanks for all our ancestors in faith.
We rejoice that you call us to reconciliation with you and all people everywhere and that you remain faithful to your covenant even when we are faithless.
We rejoice that you call the entire human family to this table of sacrifice and victory.
We come in remembrance and celebration of the gift of Jesus Christ, whom you sent, in the fullness of time, to be the good news.
Born of Mary, our sister in faith, Christ lived among us to reveal the mystery of your Word, to suffer and die on the cross for us, to be raised from death on the third day, and then to live in glory.
We bless you, gracious God, for the presence of your Holy Spirit in the church you have gathered. With your sons and daughters of faith in all places and times, we praise you with joy as we say together:
All: Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts,
Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory,
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.
Words of Institution and Communal Proclamation:
Pastor: We remember that on the night of betrayal and desertion,
and on the eve of death, Jesus gathered the disciples for a shared meal of preparation.
Jesus took bread, and after giving thanks to God, broke it, and gave it to the disciples, saying: “This is my body which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.”
In the same way, he took the cup after supper.
Again he gave God thanks and praise and said:
“This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as
often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.”
Therefore, we proclaim the mystery of our faith:
All: Christ’s death, O God we proclaim.
Christ’s resurrection we declare.
Christ’s coming, we await.
Glory be to you, O God.
Prayers of Consecration:
Pastor: Eternal God, we unite in this covenant of faith, recalling Christ’s suffering and death, rejoicing in Christ’s resurrection, and awaiting Christ’s return in victory. We spread your table with these gifts of the earth and of our labor. We present to you our very lives, committed to your service on behalf of all people. We ask you to send your Holy Spirit upon this bread and wine, upon our gifts, and upon us. Strengthen your universal church that it may be the champion of peace and justice in all the world. Restore the earth with your grace that is able to make all things new.
All: Be present with us as we share this meal,
and throughout all our lives, that we may know you as
the Holy One, who with Christ and the Holy Spirit,
lives forever. Amen.
Sharing the Bread and Cup:
Pastor: Allelujah! Christ our Passover is offered for us.
People: Therefore, let us keep the feast.
Pastor: The gifts of God for the people of God.
We celebrate the grace of God in our midst.
(Please wait until all have been served and we’ll ingest together)
unison Prayer of Thanksgiving:
We give you thanks, Almighty God, that you have refreshed us at your table through the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Continue to heal us, we pray, and strengthen our faith. Increase our love for one another, and send us forth into the world in courage and peace, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit; we ask these things in the Name of Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.
*HYMN: Praise the Source of Faith and Learning No. 411
May the light of God shine on us today.
May the light of God shine on us today.
May it show us where to travel,
Lead us back if we should stray,
May the light of God shine on us today.
POSTLUDE: Chorale Boeellmann
(please remain seated for the postlude)
Third Sunday after the Epiphany
A Service of the Word
January 26, 2025 ✦ 10am
We open our hearts to the presence of God and worship together.
PRELUDE: My Lord & God Southbridge
(Once the music begins we ask that you would please maintain respectful silence)
We are here this day to share God's love;
We have come with burdens and cares,
For within this place, we are bound as one
In this fellowship, we share.
One: Let the ears of all people be attentive;
the heavens are telling the glory of God.
Many: Everything around us proclaims God’s handiwork.
Let us bow down and worship our Creator.
One: Day and night, God is at work among us.
We are drawn together into one body, the church.
Many: As we commune with God, we know we need one another.
Let us honor the good to be found in all people.
One: Here once again the laws and commandments.
Find them sure and right and true for all.
ALL: We lament our lack of communal understanding.
We seek true community in which all are honored.
*HYMN: Praise with Joy the World’s Creator No. 273
…On this holy day, we come together to make sense of our lives. We look to your Word, O God, as a source of understanding. Revive our souls so that our hearts may rejoice in your presence. Cleanse and enlighten us with your truth. Liberate us from self-imposed limitations. Let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our heart be acceptable in your sight, O God, our Rock and our Redeemer….
Souper Bowl Sunday: On February 9, we will again be collecting cans of soup (and/or money) in the Sanctuary, and we’ll have lots of good soup for lunch. The sign up sheet is on the kitchen door.
❖ Pastoral Prayer
…Spirit of God, who inspired the Scriptures and gave them fulfillment in Jesus Christ, open our eyes to the gifts you have entrusted of each one of us and show us how to work together to realize your purposes in our midst. We long to live in a world where mutual caring and support replace competition and violence. Help us to honor one another’s gifts and strive for the greatest of all gifts, the embodiment of your love….
❖ Silent Prayer
❖ Lord's Prayer:
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name,
thy kingdom come, thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, the power, the glory,
now and forever. Amen.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise God, all creatures here below;
Praise God above, you heavenly host:
Creator, Christ, and Holy Ghost.
❖ Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10 OT Page 402
❖ Psalm 19 Hymnal Page 630
❖ 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a NT Page 153
❖ Luke 4:14-21 NT Page 53
SERMON: “Look for Signs of Promise”
Clearly it matters where the eyes and ears are and what one seeks out or expects. With the political divide so wide these days, it’s easy for many to go negative. There’s always something the “others” are doing that’s spun as wrong, by one or by many.
Admittedly, when it comes to signs – to omens – these days, it’s not hard for me, and many, to fall prone to going on the dark side. The California fires, the odd and paralyzing cold weather in the south, the violent storms, wars, bird flu (and the tragedy at our local Cresent Farms), a late arrival of Bibles at the inauguration rendering no hand on a Bible, are but a few of the troubling signs of late. And I know I’m not alone with any of the laments.
Yet I know that I, that we, do better to look for the good. We’re called to give thanks to God for all things. To trust God and God’s leading.
It curious to me that in our first reading we learn that the reading and teaching of the law of Moses causes the people to weep. Was it that the words of scripture convicted their hearts of their wrong-doings? Or did they simply hold onto more of the negative than the positive, more of curses rather than the blessings? I’d like to think they wept because they were so deeply touched by scripture and overcome with emotion. But that read is only for those who are looking for signs of promise.
Regardless, Ezra got it right. He knew the good was needed. “Then he said to them, ‘Go your way, eat the fat and drink sweet wine and send portions of them to those for whom nothing is prepared, for this day is holy to the Lord; and do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.’”
There’s actually a lot to be celebrated in that reading. Scripture is a gift to the people that’s given as a blessing. The teaching, so that they people would understand what they were hearing, is a gift. And that Nehemiah, Ezra, and the Levites all worked together to teach the people is a beautiful image of shared ministry and cooperation of the faithful. Rather than tears, it should be joy.
The importance of shared gifts within diversity is what Paul teaches in our second lesson. Paul calls for respect for all, and clearly states why: that there may be no dissension within the body, but the members may have the same care for one another. Mutual respect and mutual caring are hallmarks of the church.
Although some in the temple will take offence at Jesus’ words, there is clearly good news there as well. Not only does Jesus read the prophet’s words of blessing, saying, “he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor” but he also states such has been fulfilled in their hearing. Jesus let’s the people know that God’s messiah has come, and yet they need the ears to hear and the eyes to see. Again, clearly it matters where the eyes and ears are and what one seeks out or expects. For those who look for signs of promise, the blessing is there. Those that don’t only suffer in darkness.
As we review the state of our church today at our Annual Meeting and consider the events and doings of our year, the hope and prayer is that you will look for the good signs. There is much to be celebrated.
Like in our first reading, there continues to be lots of shared ministry. Our educational offerings are strong because they people are taught scripture with understanding, and we all share in the teaching – students and teachers alike. The kids like church because of the strength of our Sunday School program, with thanks to Sandy and Jane and now Marion who has stepped up to help. Our Thrift Shop continues to do exceptionally well because of the shared ministry of many. It’s only possible because of the gracious time that is offered by our volunteers. Such is true too for the soup kitchen here as Bread and More knows well. It’s people united in shared ministry that brings the blessings and helps lighten the load of others around us. The very business of the church, from maintenance of our buildings and grounds to the paying of bills to keep the heat and lights on, and everything in between, worship and coffee hour included, are all possible because the faithful among us work together in shared ministry. And mutual respect abounds in all and through all. These all the signs of promise around us for us to take in and celebrate.
Even in our world, amid the trouble of our days, there too, is good to be celebrated. People work together to extinguish the fires, and to house, feed and clothe those who have lost everything. Hostages are being freed. Talk of peace is louder than any call for war. International cooperation works to free a barge from the ice and to foster ties of shared responsibility among many. There are good signs to take in, provided we make the effort.
Look for signs of promise and take them in. Let the joy of the Lord be your strength. And let us all work together for the good of all God’s people, from the gifts of our hands and hearts. Our God is still speaking, still doing. Thanks be to God.
*HYMN: In the Bulb There Is a Flower No. 433
May the light of God shine on us today.
May the light of God shine on us today.
May it show us where to travel.
Lead us back if we should stray.
May the light of God shine on
POSTLUDE: I Sing the Mighty Power of God Hayes
Second Sunday after the Epiphany
A Service of the Word
January 19, 2025 ✦ 10am
We open our hearts to the presence of God and worship together.
PRELUDE: Pachelbel’s Cannon Pachelbel
(Once the music begins we ask that you would please maintain respectful silence)
We are here this day to share God's love;
We have come with burdens and cares,
For within this place, we are bound as one
In this fellowship, we share.
One: With steadfast love, God calls our names.
Come to find refuge in the shelter of God’s wings.
Many: We long to be recognized and affirmed.
We are eager for a place of shelter and security.
One: Feast on the abundance of God’s house.
Come, drink deeply from the fountain of life.
Many: We are ready to hear the Word of God.
We want to be guided by eternal truth.
One: Reach out to claim the gifts God pours out on us.
The Spirit is eager to inspire and empower each one.
ALL: When God calls us, we cannot remain silent.
When Christ is real to us, we accept our discipleship.
OPENING HYMN: “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty”
…How awesome it is that you care for us, God of all life! Your delight in us brings out our best. When you rejoice in us, we come to believe in our capacity for goodness. When your light and salvation dawn in our lives, we want to share the joy. Remind us now of the gifts you so freely bestow. Help us to recognize them in ourselves and in one another, that we may use them to serve people in need and give glory to your name…
Call to Annual Meeting: Our Annual Meeting is scheduled for January 26, to be held in the Fellowship Hall immediately following worship. The business of the meeting will include approval of our Annual budget and the election of officers. We hope to elect one person to serve as a trustee for the 2025-2028 term. Our thanks go out to David Gruner who has completed his service on the Board of Trustees. We will also seek to elect at least three members to the Board of Deacons for the 2025-2028 term. Our thanks go out to Jane Joerchel and Allan Repp who have completed their service on the Board. If you are willing and able to serve, please speak with Pastor or to any of the people who have completed their terms.
❖ Pastoral Prayer
…Gracious God, whose miracles surround us day by day and whose revelation in Jesus Christ awakens our wonder, let this be an hour of powerful encounter with you in which our gifts are called forth for the sake of your church and for the transformation of your world. Work within us, among us, and through us, we pray, that believing minds may blossom into trusting hearts and helping hands, fully committed to your service….
❖ Silent Prayer
❖ Lord's Prayer:
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name,
thy kingdom come, thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, the power, the glory,
now and forever. Amen.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise God, all creatures here below;
Praise God above, you heavenly host:
Creator, Christ, and Holy Ghost.
❖ Isaiah 62:1-5 OT Page 652
❖ Psalm 36:5-11 Hymnal Page 645
❖ 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 NT Page 152
❖ John 2:1-11 NT Page 80
SERMON: “Building”
As the people of the burned-out neighborhoods of L.A. return to the homes, there is a lot of talk of building, in some cases rebuilding might be possible, but for many it’ll be a new start. The mayor, too, when interviewed, spoke of building, and even issued an executive order for “Expedited Community Rebuilding and Recovery.” Yet as aerial and ground shots reveal, it’s clearly a massive task that will take some time.
Along with that news is the rather curious ending of our first reading. That reads: “For as a young man marries a young woman, so shall your builder marry you.” When I read that, I had to look it up. It seems the translators encountered a toughie. In the older translations, such as the KJV, that line reads “so shall your sons marry you” which clearly doesn’t make much sense. Consequently, it was corrected to read “your Builder (in some cases a capital B) will marry you.” Given the context, Builder fits well. After Cyrus the Great of Persia released the ancient Jewish people from Babylon, the people were permitted to return to a small parcel of land round Jerusalem. The land, however, was destroyed, not unlike the neighborhoods of L.A.. After initial elation, the people felt that God ceased to care for them. And so the prophet tells of a new Zion – of a renewed city and people. It will be the work of the Builder (capital B), the beloved bridegroom of the people.
Yet it occurred to me as I contemplated such building, that neither I nor we as a congregation are doing much of it. Our buildings, fortunately, are built. Sure, there is renovation, but not building of anything new. The building we do is now less physical and more metaphorical. Enter Paul and Jesus.
The second lesson from Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians is doubtless more familiar to many. As Paul writes of the variety of gifts, services, and activities of the faithful, Paul knows them all to be generated by the Holy Spirit, for the common good: that is, for the building up of all.
And if you look with an eye for building into the gospel lesson. You’ll see it’s Jesus’ mother that is the active builder in the scene, as she sets things up for Jesus’ first miracle, which builds up his character and renown as a miracle worker, one fully blessed by God.
Building. What building are we doing, or called by God to do?
Now as much as I like the idea, I am not proposing that we build a pool in the basement. But there is building I know we are called to consider.
We as a church, a community, and as individuals are all called to build one another up in love. We’re call to build character – a loving and gracious character – for the good of all. As I got to considering what such means, I did some research on the web which I’m glad to share.
The overall advice is this “Building character involves actively cultivating positive moral qualities like honesty, integrity, responsibility, empathy, and resilience through conscious choices, facing challenges, learning from mistakes, and consistently acting in accordance with your values, essentially shaping who you are at your core through your actions and decisions over time.” I thought it a good platform for consideration.
As we approach our annual meeting, “responsibility,” “challenge,” and acting with core values – for us the core Christian values of love for God, self and neighbor – are particularly apt.
The identification of areas the need improvement is a key step. We need to be aware of our strengths and weaknesses, and do the good we can for the good of all.
Then, of course, it’s a matter of stepping up, of taking responsibility. We’re to make choices based on what is morally right.
When we come to challenges, with God we’re reminded that they can and will be overcome, as even we face adversity with perseverance and resilience, and learn from setbacks.
I know, too, that God calls us to regularly put into practice positive behaviors, like kindness, patience, forgiveness and gratitude, and to understand and care about the perspectives and experiences of others through careful listening.
Building. As you get to contemplating what you’re building and called to build, the hope is that you’ll consider some well-proven activities that will assist you: Volunteer: Contribute your time to help others in our church and community. Consider your good gifts, and get involved. If you have questions, ask. Make suggestions and step up to see good ideas come to fruition. There is regularly room for involvement, both around here and in our community. And those who are already actively doing can certainly show you the ropes so that you can approach the new with confidence.
Join us for Bible study. Take some time to dive into Scripture and learn. It’s fun and interesting and it’s sure to help you grow.
And the hope is you’ll remain mindful of the importance of presence: your presence here with us and among us. Come to worship and join in the fellowship. It’s a big part of how we build one another up in love
*HYMN: We Would Be Building No. 607
May the light of God shine on us today.
May the light of God shine on us today.
May it show us where to travel.
Lead us back if we should stray.
May the light of God shine on us today.
POSTLUDE: Prelude in G Bach